

Max artitude: 2057m
Min artitude: 1584m
Course distance: 7.1km
Course time: 4h35m

Overview of the mountain

Mt.Daibosatsu-rei is one of the most popular mountains around Tokyo because we can enjoy the stunning views from the trail course and get the peak relatively easily.
You can see all-direction views along the ridgeline between "Kaminari-iwa" and "Daibosatsu-touge", and even enjoy uncurtained figure of Mt.Fuji.

My visiting report: 30-Apr-2016, fair

At 9:00AM, arriving at Kamihikawa-touge temporary parking. The trailhead is 10 minutes walk from there.
At 9:15AM, we arrived at Kamihikawa-touge trailhead. Because of fine weather, the platz is full of hikers.
At 9:40AM, we got to Fukuchan-so cottage which had a stand and a restaurant inside. The trailcourse split into two ways here. And then we took "Karamatsu-one" course.
At 10:45AM, having reached to the stunning viewpoint "Kaminari-iwa", we enjoyed the awesome view of Mt.Fuji and Southern Alps for a while.
At 11:05AM, we got the peak of Mt.Daibosatsu-rei. But this space is surrounded by woods, we couldn't see any scenery here.
At 11:15AM, lunchtime at Kaminari-iwa with stunning Mt.Fuji and having traversed on the lidgeline to "Daibosatsu-touge".
At 12:20PM, we reached to Daibosatsu-touge (the most famous place in this trailcourse) and took some pictures. Kaizan-so cottage on Daibosatsu-touge sold some mountain-related goods.
At 13:25PM, having come back to Fukuchan-so.
After our wonderful adventure, we went to "Hottarakashi-onsen" hotspring and "Houtou-Funari" restaurant on our way to home.

How to access from Tokyo station

Train and Bus

Tokyo station
  Chuo-line (rapid or local)
Shinjuku station
  Chuo-line (Ltd.Exp."Kaiji")
Enzan station
  Yamanashi-kotsu bus (from stop 1)
Daibosatsu-touge-tozanguchi busstop
  trail walk
Kamihikawa-touge: the trailhead

[Overall approximately 4h40m]
※ You can use a taxi instead of a bus. In that case, you can skip the walk and access to the trailhead directly, taking 2h10m overall from Tokyo station.


Tokyo station
  Shuto expwy, Chuo expwy
Katsunuma Interchange
  Mainly route411
Kamihikawa-touge: the trailhead

[Overall approximately 2h10m]

Equipments you'd better prepare


Trekking shoes
A bottle of water (at least 1000ml)
Foods (at least two rice balls and two energy gels)


A hat
Rain wears

+more activities

Hottarakashi-onsen (A hot spring with view of Mt.Fuji)
Fuefukigawa-fruits-park (A fruits themepark)
Houtou Funari (Houtou-noodle restaurant)