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2022-5-16 [reports]
#asteeplongtrail #100famous


Kai-komagatake belongs to the Southern Japanese Alps, and its highest peak is 2967m above sea level. "Kai" is the old name of Yamanashi prefecture and "Komagatake"...

2022-2-26 [column]
#ancientroad #nara #temples


During long Japanese history, ancestors have constructed a lot of roads. Some of them are still active through some revises, but others are already abandoned because of natural...

2021-11-16 [reports]
#aminormountain #alowmountain

Mt.Rakanji-yama & Shosen-kyo

Shosen-kyo is one of the most scenic gorges around Tokyo, which is famous for a lot of odd-looking rocks and an awesome waterfall "Senga-taki". Rakanji-yama exists next to such...

2021-11-11 [reports]
#shrineonthemountain #100famous


This mountain belongs to "Chichibu-Tama-Kai National park" which isn't so far from central Tokyo. "Ryokami" means "the twin dieties", diriving from this mountain is worshipped...

2020-10-08 [column]
#waterfalls #the100bestwaterfalls

7 memorable waterfalls in...

There are lots of waterfalls in Japan, and some of them are quite inaccessible for those without mountain equipments. Of course, in this small country, there is no huge waterfall...

2020-07-14 [reports]
#akillermountain #100famous

Mt.Tanigawa-dake (Tenjin-one)

Do you know "the killer mountain" in Japan? The total death toll of Mt.Tanigawa-dake rose to over 800, and it's the worst number of hiker's fatalities, which is even registered in...

2020-06-28 [reports]
#highlandresort #beefstake #100famous

Mt.Yatsugatake (Aka-dake)

Mt.Yatsugatake is one of the most famous mountains in Japan. The name "Yatsugatake" literaly means "eight mountains" but it is actually a cluster of more than eight peaks. The highest...

2020-05-04 [reports]
#rockandmoss #mountainofdeity

Mt.Mitake-san (the Rock...

Mt.Mitake-san is well known among Tokyo-residents because of the accessibility from central Tokyo. Although this mountain isn't so high that serious hikers are satisfied with, you can...

2020-03-24 [column]
#japanesewords #communication

10 Japanese words you...

How many Japanese words do you know? Of course it's not necessery for foreign hikers to learn Japanese in advance, but if they know these simple Japanese words below, their mountain...

2020-03-16 [reports]
#beachinthesky #clearstream


Mt.Hinata-yama is known for its summit covered with white sand like a beach. One of the trailcourse connects the trailhead and summit less than 2 hours, so even children can reach...

2020-03-14 [column]
#easyhike #neartokyo

Five easy mountain trips...

If you can have only one-day to visit mountains, what about some mountains which are accessible from Tokyo centre? These five mountains below are easy to access from Tokyo station...

2020-03-01 [reports]
#aroundnikko #mountainofdeity #100famous


Despite in Nikko, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Japan, few plan to visit this awesome mountain. Though it's a little bit out of Nikko centre, only 1 hour bus trip will...

2020-03-01 [reports]
#alowmountain #traverse

Mt.Okukuji Nantai-san

Okukuji Nantai-san isn't a popular mountain even for Japanese, and it's not enough of a challenge for pro-hikers because of low altitude. But this mountain has some of charms like...

2020-03-01 [reports]
#viewoffuji #100famous #easyhike


Mt.Daibosatsu-rei is one of the most popular mountains around Tokyo because we can enjoy the stunning views from the trail course and get the peak relatively easily...

2020-03-01 [knowledge]
#planning #equippment

Preparation to climb

If you plan to visit mountains over 3000m high such as Mt.Fuji or the Japan Alps, you have to make sufficient preparation. But less challenging mountains require you of visiting with some...

2020-03-01 [knowledge]
#railways #buses #manners

Transportation in Japan

Railway system in Japan are extremely awesome. They realize accurate operation time, reliable safety, high customer satisfaction and so on. So you may mainly use trains to approach...

2020-03-01 [knowledge]
#terrain #temparature #precipitation

Geography of Japan

Japan is consist of four major islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu). Honshu literally means "the mainland" and almost all major Japanese citys are included in this island...